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23 Lenox Pointe Northeast
Atlanta, GA, 30324
United States

Laycee Claes MS RD LD


Laycee Claes, MS, RD, LD

Laycee's passion for helping individuals with eating disorders sparked during high school. She explored the media's impact on body image and delved into different eating disorders. 

 Originally from northeast Ohio, Laycee studied at Kent State University, focusing on ARFID and the role of dietitians in eating disorder treatment. She continued her journey at Augusta University in Georgia, gaining hands-on experience with various age groups and health conditions.  After her studies, Laycee worked in long-term care in Atlanta, building her skills as a dietitian until moving into working with eating disorders where she has now worked at all levels of care (IP, RES, PHP, IOP, OP).

 Adopting an individualized approach rooted in Health at Every Size + Intuitive Eating principles, Laycee empowers her clients with the knowledge and confidence to rediscover their true selves beyond the constraints of their eating disorders. In each interaction, Laycee strives to impart not just nutritional guidance but also a sense of liberation and self-discovery, guiding her clients towards a life of nourishment, balance, and authenticity.