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23 Lenox Pointe Northeast
Atlanta, GA, 30324
United States

Helania Hunt MA NCC


Helania Hunt, MA, NCC

Helania is a Nationally Certified Counselor who received her Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Mercer University in 2017. She is passionate about working with adolescents and young adults of diverse backgrounds with an approach to treatment that is relatable, authentic, and humorous.

Helania practices from a trauma-informed perspective, incorporating modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Expressive Therapy interventions. Helania enjoys helping her clients explore the impact of underlying doubts, adverse experiences, and past traumas in an effort to see how they manifest in the present. She loves working with her clients on issues such as body image/acceptance, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, identity exploration, and trauma. Helania is also passionate about supporting women of color with navigating issues specific to them from a culturally competent and compassionate perspective.

Helania’s work is focused on empowering clients to live authentically, and to embrace the entirety of their being. She views the therapeutic relationship as an alliance with her clients in pursuit of emotional freedom, genuineness, and fulfillment.