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23 Lenox Pointe Northeast
Atlanta, GA, 30324
United States


Group Descriptions

Until you believe you have options, you will continue to feel stuck”
— Sean Stephenson

Mindful Intuitive Eating

Wednesdays 10:30-11:30 am | 24-week commitment

This weekly process + educational group is designed for individuals wishing to mindfully explore their relationship with food, dieting, body image and creating a healthy lifestyle.

Learn the 12 principles of Intuitive Eating a nutrition philosophy based on the premise that becoming more attuned to the body's natural  hunger signals is a more effective way to attain a healthy weight, rather than keeping track of the amounts of energy and fats in foods. Apply and learn mindfulness strategies to help reconnect to food and body. Learn how and why the "Diet Mindset" hurts your efforts for healthy eating + how to create a new, healthy mindset with food.
Create your own program for healthy living based on your internal cues, wants, and needs. Call Tara Arnold to interview at 404-964-6629.

Body Image/ Self Love

Wednesday 11:30-12:30/ 24-week commitment

This is a weekly process + educational group designed for individuals wishing to develop compassion for and acceptance of your whole self.  You will dive deep into the journey of loving yourself
You will shift your focus from getting approval from others to acceptance of self
You will embrace radical self-acceptance & compassion
You will stop being your own biggest critic & learn to befriend yourself


Mondays 1:00-1:45 pm | 16-week commitment

Yoga Recovery, led by Tara Arnold, Ph.D., LCSW, RYT, is a group that is starting for people in recovery that need a bottom-up approach to healing.  The group will integrate mindfulness, meditation and yoga to enhance mind-body awareness and connection.  The group is co-ed and is on Mondays from 1:00-1:45 weekly.  It is a 16-week commitment and no yoga experience is necessary.  Group is $65 per week.  Call Tara Arnold to interview at 404-964-6629.