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23 Lenox Pointe Northeast
Atlanta, GA, 30324
United States


CEU Courses

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”
— Albert Einstein

Live CEU Opportunities

CEU Courses

RO DBT Overview


Friday, July 26th 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

Using RO DBT to heal over control

Clinicians will be educated in Radically open DBT

Clinicians will learn about radical openness and over-control.

Clinicians will learn about self- enquiry.

Clinicians will be introduced to the RO DBT diary card

Clinicians will learn key RO DBT skills to help clients in recovery from anxiety, depression, ASD, OCD, anorexia, and more


On-Demand CEU Opportunities

DBT in Clinical Practice Course

DBT in Clinical Practice

Define basic Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) terminology.

Discuss DBT concepts and their utilization in clinical practice.

Describe the four skills training modules of DBT.

Identify several DBT skills training exercises to be used in a group format.

Apply validation strategies to help increase a client's readiness to change.

Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Course

Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (RO-DBT): The State-Of-The-Art Treatment For Overcontrolled Clients

Describe Radically Open DBT (RO-DBT)

Compare and contract radical openness with over-control and discuss ways to help clients learn to be flexible and tolerate the feeling of vulnerability to create “a life worth sharing.”

Discuss self-enquiry and how to help clients find their 'edge' (aka their personal unknown) to pursue growth.

Review the RO DBT diary card

Define key RO DBT skills to help clients in recovery from Anxiety, Depression, Autism Spectrum Disorder, OCD, Anorexia, and more.

Advanced DBT in Clinical Practice Course

Advanced DBT in Clinical Practice

Review DBT terminology.

Identify DBT assessment tools.

Explain attachment enhancing strategies.

Apply the DBT concepts through videos of experiential activities.

Describe several DBT skills well enough to practice immediately.

Integrating Somatic Work, RO DBT, and Polyvagal Theory Course

Integrating Somatic Work, RO DBT, and Polyvagal Theory: The Embodied Principle

Earn 6 CEUs

Explain the alignment with the relational and connecting principles espoused in RO DBT, polyvagal theory, and somatic therapies and how to incorporate these modalities into your client’s healing path.

Demonstrate several somatic interventions, RO DBT skills, and polyvagal strategies and how to apply them to be effective in treating clients, especially those who have experienced trauma.

Describe the receiving or embodied principle in analytic and somatic terms.

Identify the fundamental reconnection concepts of Radically Open DBT (RO DBT).

Explain how the concepts of surrender and release relate to important principles of life and how the ability to reclaim comfort with the receptive aspect of self is critical to clients in their therapy and connection with others.

Discuss somatic therapies that incorporate the sensory processing systems (touch and sound specifically).

Bottom-Up Approaches to Healing Trauma and Eating Disorders Course

Bottom-Up Approaches to Healing Trauma and Eating Disorders

Define bottom-up processing of sensory information.

Apply the ethical treatment of trauma and eating disorders using evidence based practice.

Define trauma and its impact on the body and brain

Discuss bottom-up approaches to healing through mindfulness, mediation, and yoga.

Describe distress tolerance techniques for managing emotions

Identify and explore how to incorporate bottom up techniques in clinical treatment.

Healing Eating Disorders & Body Image Course

Healing Eating Disorders & Body Image

Develop an understanding of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for eating disorders as well as their current clinical presentation.

Discuss the awareness of the treatment of eating disorders, including the value of a treatment team and levels of care involved.

Recognize the presentation of a problematic body image and the factors that influence beliefs related to one’s image.

Utilize the unique application of CBT and mindful self-compassion to the treatment of eating disorders and body image issues.

Analyze the impact of diet culture on our actual health and wellbeing from a physical, mental and spiritual perspective.